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特邀英国雷丁大学David Ferreira副教授、Robert Thompson博士来校做系列学术讲座
作者:大气科学学院               发布时间:2019/11/27 11:31:51       浏览量:

季风降水的变率及其物理机制研究对于高密度人口分布地区具有重大意义。季风降水从过去、现在、到未来的变化如何,外强迫(如:人类活动)对季风降水的作用如何,并不十分清楚。双偏振天气雷达的强降水数据多局限于定性分析应用,了解雷达资料定量分析的最新进展也很有必要。为了让大家了解降水变率及其机制、雷达天气观测等方面的最新研究进展,特邀英国雷丁大学DavidFerreira副教授、Robert John Thompson博士来校访问交流,欢迎广大师生踊跃参加!



主  持  人:张文君教授


报告一题目:Northern Hemisphere Monsoon Response to Mid-Holocene Orbital Forcing and Greenhouse Gas-Induced Global Warming

报  告  人:David Ferreira副教授

摘要:Changes in monsoons with anthropogenic forcing has raised a lot of interest in recent years. To make progress in understanding the dynamics of monsoons and their response to external forcings, we exploit simulations the Paleo and Coupled Model Intercomparison. Project phase 5 simulations for mid-Holocene (~6000 years ago) and future climate scenario rcp8.5.Although the Northern Hemisphere warming and inter-hemispheric thermal contrast in boreal summer are larger in the future than at the mid-Holocene, changes in the spatial extent and rainfall intensity in future climate are smaller than in mid-Holocene for all Northern Hemisphere monsoons except the Indian monsoon. A decomposition of the moisture budget in thermodynamic and dynamic contributions reveals that the dynamic component, primarily constrained by changes in net energy input (the difference between the top of the atmosphere and surface heat fluxes), is the critical element that controls the magnitude of the monsoon response.Our results highlight that temperature indices are poor indicators of the monsoonal response. Rather, the monsoon response is particularly sensitive to the integrated energy balance, which accounts for changes at the surface as well as at the top of the atmosphere.


报告二题目:Use of Dual Polarisation Weather Radar for Intense, Flood Producing Rainfall

报  告  人:Robert John Thompson博士

摘要:Over the last 15 years, dual-polarisation weather radar has moved from the realms of specialist research facilities to reality of operational networks over much of the world. For many years weather radars have been used qualitatively, but rarely quantitatively due to a number of issues – often leading to under-use in hydrology. I’ll talk about some of the improvements that have been achieved from the new networks leading to viable quantitative use and discuss the potential for greater insight that the new data provides.



David Ferreira,英国雷丁大学气象学系副教授。主要研究领域包括大气海洋动力学、大气环流、海洋涡旋、海-气-冰相互作用。

Robert John Thompson,英国雷丁大学气象学系讲师。主要研究领域为双偏振雷达及其在致洪强降水监测中的应用。




