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作者:邓洁淳               发布时间:2020/04/27 09:37:20       浏览量:

在过去一个世纪中,人类活动造成温室气体和气溶胶排放量大幅度升高,这使得两者成为并存于大气中的主要人为强迫因子。一般而言,温室气体(如CO2)和人为气溶胶往往具有近乎相反的热力效应,因此它们各自所引起的气候效应可能会相互抵消,或产生一定程度的非线性效应。我院青年教师邓洁淳博士和徐海明教授,与美国纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校Aiguo Dai教授合作,利用海气耦合模式CESM1模拟研究了CO2和人为气溶胶引起的非线性气候效应,相关成果发表在Journal of Climate。


Figure 1. Spatial distributions of winter (DJF) mean (a) aerosol optical depth (AOD) changes (shading; ×0.01) in the aerosol-forced run (AER) relative to the control run (CTL), and climatological-mean 925-hPa horizontal winds in AER (vectors; m/s) and (b) AOD changes (shading; ×0.01) and 925-hPa horizontal wind anomalies (vectors; m/s) in the CO2-forced run (GHG) relative to CTL. Only changes statistically significant at the 95% confidence level based on a Student’s t test are plotted in (a) and (b). The red rectangle indicates central northern Europe (50o–70oN, 0o–60oE). (c) Scatterplot of 925-hPa zonal wind change due to the CO2 forcing (x axis; m/s) and nonlinear AOD at 550 nm change (y axis; ×0.01) in DJF averaged over central northern Europe. (d) As in (c), but for 925-hPa zonal wind change due to the CO2 forcing (x axis; m/s) and nonlinear surface air temperature change (y axis; oC). In (c) and (d), each circle indicates a model year, the red line indicates the regression line, and the regression equation and the correlation coefficient are given at the top-right corner.


Deng, J.*, A. Dai, and H. Xu, 2020: Nonlinear climate responses to increasing CO2 and anthropogenic aerosols simulated by CESM1. Journal of Climate, 33, 281–301, https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0195.1.