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特邀美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学气象和大气科学系Anthony C. Didlake副教授作学术报告——大气•风云讲坛(2024年第32期)
作者:大气科学学院               发布时间:2024/11/22 15:31:50       浏览量:

报告题目:Insights on the Dynamics and Microphysics of Stratiform Precipitation in Tropical Cyclones

报告专家:Anthony C. Didlake副教授



主  持 人:李青青教授

专家简介:Dr. Didlake is an Associate Professor in the Department of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science at Penn State University. His primary research is on using radars (land-based, airborne, spaceborne) and numerical models to examine the cloud processes of tropical cyclones. The research explores changes in intensity and structure, environmental interactions, and tropical cyclone microphysics. In addition to hurricanes, his interests include mesoscale convection and Doppler radar retrieval techniques.


The convective-to-stratiform life cycle of precipitation is often on display in tropical cyclones (TCs) as asymmetric features in the eyewall and outer rainbands of the storm. These asymmetric features can impact storm intensity and structure through processes that are not fully understood. The role of stratiform precipitation in TCs has been particularly difficult to understand and predict because ice processes are complicated and often not well-represented in weather forecast models. Here, we examine recent findings from modeling studies on the dynamics and microphysics of stratiform precipitation in TCs.




