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作者:陈耀登               发布时间:2020/04/22 09:33:36       浏览量:




Fig.1. The temperature increments at the 10th level as a result of assimilating a single u-component of wind observation, and the innovation is 1.0 m/s

Fig.2. Vertical RMSE profiles of averaged analysis against GFS analyses. Red line denotes 3DVar, black line denotes BEC-CVA, orange line denotes BEC-BLD, blue line denotes ETKF-3DVar. Error bars show the confidence interval of the mean RMSE for that level (95% confidence limit).

Fig. 3. Vertical profiles of the averaged RMSEs of 6 h forecast (solid line) and 24 h forecast (dotted line) RMSEs of (a) U (m s-1), (b) V (m s-1), (c) T (K) and (d) Q (g/kg) against the GFS analyses.


Yaodeng Chen*, Guo Shan, Deming Meng, et al. 2020. The impact of optimal selected historical forecasting samples on hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation, Atmospheric Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.104980

Yaodeng Chen*, Jia Wang, Yufang Gao, et al. 2018. Refinement of the Use of Inhomogeneous Background Error Covariance Estimated from Historical Forecast Error Samples and its Impact on Short-term Regional Numerical Weather prediction. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 96(5): 429-446. https://doi.org/10.2151/jmsj.2018-048

陈耀登*,陈晓梦,闵锦忠等.各向异性背景场误差协方差的构建及在“凡亚比”台风的应用[J]. 海洋学报,2016,38(9):32-45.