该研究进一步利用基于经验正交函数分解基(EOF基)建立的天气尺度涡动与低频环流(SELF)反馈算子和低阶动力线性模型,研究了2021/2022年12月至2月(DJF)冬季涡旋反馈在欧亚大气流函数异常环流型(SFA)的形成和激发中的作用。由于线性动力系统的内部作用,可以产生与观测大致相似的SFA型。然而,外强迫对大气SFA型的形成在不同程度上受到天气尺度涡流反馈作用的影响。本文结果进一步证实2021/2022年冬季欧亚中高纬度SFA遥相关型主要为对热带大西洋异常强迫的响应,其中 SELF反馈对欧亚大气SFA的产生起着重要作用,特别是对青藏高原上负SFA的形成(图1-2)。

FIG. 1. Composite difference of the parameterized eddy forcing at 300hPa (a) and normalized stream function anomalies at 500hPa with synoptic eddy vorticity flux(vectors) at 300hPa (c) during DJF seasons in NH for ATI typical events; the parameterized eddy forcing (b) and normalized stream function at 500hPa anomalies with synoptic eddy vorticity vectors at 300hPa (d) during DJF of 2021/2022. the shaded areas represent t-test values exceeding the 95% confidence level in (a) and (c), but with absolute anomalies lager than 0.5 shaded in (b) and (d). And the scales of all the vectors in (c) and (d) are 1.

FIG.2. The direct response of the stream function fields to the stable forcing in different areas without (μ = 0.0), with (μ = 1) SELF feedback for the NH and the difference. (a), (b) and (c) for the forcing in the tropical Atlantic Ocean; (d), (e) and (f) for the forcing in the east to the tropical Atlantic Ocean; (g), (h) and (i) for the forcing both in the tropical Atlantic and the East. The contour interval is 0.5 × 106 m2 s−1, and the shaded areas are with absolute values lager than 0.5.
诊断天气涡动在大气对特定外强迫响应中的作用,有助于深入了解极端气候事件的形成原因。上述研究成果揭示了2021/202冬季热带大西洋异常强迫及天气尺度涡动在大气大尺度响应中的作用。相关成果已发表在《International Journal of Climatology》杂志上。
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