东亚冬季风(EAWM)是北半球冬季大气环流的显著特征,其跨度从中高纬度的东亚大陆到低纬度的西太平洋,干冷的低空偏北风会产生低温、寒潮等灾害性事件,引发各种社会、经济问题。最近的一些研究确定了EAWM的两种不同模态,不同纬度的EAWM模态相关的大气环流特征不同,相关的热带太平洋SST异常也不同。在全球变暖背景下,有必要分别讨论ENSO与EAWM南部和北部模态的不同联系。近日,我院郝鑫副教授与其硕士研究生过文箫等探讨了18个CMIP6模式模拟东亚冬季风及其与ENSO关系的性能,以及模式间偏差的可能原因,相关成果发表于《Climate Dynamics》。

Fig. 1. Scatterplots of correlation coefficients between the Niño 3.4 index and EAWM_S vs. (a) the correlation coefficient between EAWM_S and PACI, and (b) the correlation coefficient between Niño 3.4 and PACI, and (c) the correlation coefficient between Niño 3.4 and EW_TDI in 17 CMIP6 models. (d) Scatterplots of the correlation coefficient between Niño 3.4 and EW_TDI vs. the correlation coefficient between PACI and EW_TDI in 17 CMIP6 models. Values in the top right are the corresponding coefficients. Gray lines represent the linear fit of the relationship. (e) Mean SST (°C) anomalies along 10°S–20°N obtained by regression onto the Niño 3.4 index in the observations (black line), MME_S_bad (orange line), and MME_S_good (blue line). Blue and orange dashed lines denote the results of individual models in the S_good and S_bad groups, respectively. Regression of DJF total precipitation (mm) anomalies with respect to the Niño 3.4 index of the (f) observations and (g) MME_S_good and (h) MME_S_bad. The dotted areas denote anomalies that are significant at the 95% confidence level. Longitude–time diagrams of SST (shading, °C) and SLP (contours, hPa) anomalies averaged over 0°–12°N obtained by regression onto the Niño 3.4 index of the (i) observations and (j) MME_S_good and (k) MME_S_bad. The vertical axis is the lead–lag time (month) starting from January of the same year (Yr 0) to December of the following year (Yr 1).

Fig. 2. Scatterplots of (a) correlation coefficients between Niño 3.4 index and EAWM_N vs. correlation coefficients between the Niño 3.4 index and EWPI; (b) correlation coefficients between the Niño 3.4 index and EWPI vs. IOSCS SST anomalies; and (c) IOSCS SST anomalies vs. the Niño3.4 standard deviation for 17 CMIP6 models. Values in the top right are corresponding correlation coefficients. Gray lines represent the linear fit of the relationship. Regression of (d) 200-hPa geopotential height (shading, gpm) and wind (vector, m∙s−1), (g) DJF total precipitation (mm) anomalies with respect to the Niño 3.4 index in the MME_N_good. (e) and (h) as in (d) and (g), but in the MME_N_bad. Difference of MME_N_good and MME_N_bad for (f) 200-hPa geopotential height and wind, (i) total precipitation anomalies. Wind vector scales are shown in the bottom right. Black vectors and dotted areas denote anomalies that are significant at the 95% confidence level.
Guo, W., Hao, X.*, Zhou, B., Li, J., and Han, T. Understanding the ENSO–East Asian winter monsoon relationship in CMIP6 models: performance evaluation and influencing factors. Clim Dyn 62, 7519–7534 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-024-07292-1